ten things

June 17, 2010 at 9:06 pm (AJ, Family, MJ, PJ, School) (, )

Inspired by SouleMama, ten things that are bringing me great joy right now:

— Being almost done growing my last baby.  I can’t wait to meet you, Baby, and find out if you really are Willa Apple.

—  Two special boys with one half hour of kindergarten left!

—  The promise of a summer home with my four(!) children, with no other obligations other than exploring our world and each other.  Whatever comes next in our lives, this is unlikely to happen again- I’m going to have to contribute to our family’s bottom line somehow somewhere, sooner than later.

— Turkey sandwiches- I cashed in Mark’s “Thanksgiving bonus”, a $30 Butterball gift certificate, for preparation of postpartum meals.  The last few times I’ve purchased a turkey I’ve gone with a more natural, non-salt-injected variety, but Butterball, you really do make a flavorful meat.  The below pic shows my bounty, ready for freezing.  Looks like we are yogurt fiends, which we are, but not that bad.  Only four of the yogurt containers contain actual yogurt.

— The thought of all the peanut butter cookies I’m going to eat this afternoon to celebrate the last day of school.  I wanted to head outside the house for our Kindergarten Celebration, but Greta is couch bound with a stomach virus, so this will do for now.

— My Grandpa John, who has been in poor health lately, but is feeling better and turns 86 this weekend.  His life has shaped my life in countless ways.
Me and Grandpa John

Greta and her Great-Grandpa John
Greta and her Greta-Grandpa John.  You’ll notice the pant leg tucked into his sock.  He’d just gotten off HIS BIKE, which he was riding with my boys.  And my grandma said his coat is the last of a family set she sewed FORTY years ago.  I may try to make things last, but I’m never going to top this couple!

— Effecient laundry appliances- As much as I might complain about the volume of puked on bedding I’ve lugged up and down the stairs in the last four days, I’m pretty sure I’d be complaining more if I had to lug it down to the creek bed, scrub it by hand, lug it back, and hang it to dry.  Although I’m sure the squatting would be great prep for birth.

— Our backyard

— Last but not least: my husband, who despite his fear of all things sharp and medical, is tomorrow giving our family the best ironic Father’s Day present ever.

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