It’s official

March 26, 2010 at 4:25 am (Cooking, Family) (, )

It’s not like three kids and two parents is a small family these days. But today I came to grips with the fact that, as a family with almost-four children, we have a large family.

You’d think this would’ve hit home the day I found out about surprise baby 4.  Or perhaps the day back when I was pregnant with Greta that we bought a mini-van.  Or the first time I sign our New Year’s cards “Best wishes, Mark, Heather, Auden, Parker, Greta, and Apple*”.

But no, it was today.  The day we expanded our pancake-making capabililties to eight with the “family griddle”.


Growing up, my father made breakfast every day except Christmas.  This was his one break with “traditional roles”.  Some days he just set the table with cereal, but the majority of the time he made pancakes.  There were everyday pancakes, always made from a homemade mix including wheat germ, whole wheat flour, and I don’t know what else.  What he’s famous for, though, amongst our extended family and friends, are his “Saturday Morning Pancakes”.  Fluffy white-floured circles of goodness.  He makes these at home, camping, and visiting relatives or friends, every Saturday.  Always four at a time on a square electric griddle.  Or camping, one at a time in cast iron.

My parents had three children.  Mark’s parents had three children.  We will have four.  I picked up this new griddle as an impulse buy, on terrific sale.  But its purchase has hit it home for me- we’re going to have a bigger family than our parents.  Big enough to utilize an eight pancake griddle.  Whoa.

*Apple is Greta’s name for the new baby.  If she does show up a girl, I will lobby for incorporating it somewhere in her real name.  It’s just so stinkin’ cute.
apple yum

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